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The Scalability of Cleardent with Dr. Christine Pampolina Oriel General Family Dentistry

An early adopter of ClearDent, Dr. Christine Pampolina Oriel General Family Dentistry has used the software to provide quality care to patients since 2005. Partnering with ClearDent from the very beginning has set up the team up for growth and success, and they’ve never looked back. “We were only the second or third clinic in Alberta to use ClearDent, so it was a bit of a leap of faith for us. But after meeting with Peter, we felt confident enough to go with ClearDent,” said Ramel Oriel, Office Manager.

The need

Back in 2005 when they first opened, the hunt was on for a practice management software that could meet all of their needs. The team wanted software that would enable them to be a cutting-edge dental practice. “As a new clinic, digital x-rays and paperless charting were a must for us,” says Ramel. But beyond that, they also wanted a system that would support the team as they grew. Ramel says, “we were looking for a progressive dental software that would be able to adapt to new technologies and continue to improve.”

The search

The search for the right dental software was straightforward. Dr. Christine was an associate at another clinic that was using ClearDent and had experienced firsthand how easy it was to use. So when it came time to open her own dental clinic, ClearDent was an obvious contender. The team was impressed by what they saw. “I thought ClearDent was forward-thinking and its backend was modern,” said Ramel.

After researching, it came down to Cleardent, Curve, and Dentrix. What ultimately convinced them to go with ClearDent was that the software truly felt like it was built to streamline dental professionals’ lives. The team appreciated the thought and consideration that was put into the software to ensure it was user-friendly. “The interface looked clean and organized. At the time, I thought ClearDent was more modern than Dentrix. I came into the dental industry from an IT background so I was impressed with the software as a great tool for our clinic,” said Ramel.

“I have used Dentrix and Power Practice, and ClearDent is much higher quality than both of these”

“The small demo I was given at PDC showed me so much of what a software should be able to do. I have used Dentrix and Power Practice, and ClearDent is much higher quality than both of these,” says Lindsay Kirkbright, Office Manager at Signature Dental. What ultimately convinced Signature Dental to partner with ClearDent was the automated Explanation of Benefits (EOB) and Coordination of Benefits (COB), the ability to sort regular and endodontic patients, and the ease of transitioning to a paperless practice.

ClearDent in action

Having used ClearDent from the very beginning, the clinic has a seamless workflow. From digital charting and x-ray images to EDI functionality to automated patient recalls, the team has all the tools they need to run the business efficiently.

“It’s our everything. It’s hard for the clinic to function without ClearDent.”


Simple patient communication

The team is able to communicate however patients prefer and these days, more and more patients prefer communicating via text. “ClearConnect has been a great tool for us as it saves our admin staff from making tedious calls to patients. And our patients appreciate that with a simple press of a button on their smartphone or computer, they can confirm their appointment instead of receiving a phone call from us,” says Ramel.

Less time spent on admin tasks and more time spent on patient care

Time is a valuable commodity, and automation helps reduce time spent on administrative tasks, giving both dentists and office managers more time to dedicate to patient care. The ability to link family bookings has been super helpful for the team, as well as having all of the patient information instantly available at their fingertips. And for any business, every minute streamlined means reduced costs and increased revenue.

Accurate claims and co-payment management

The team always strives to provide the best dental service to their patients which is why one of their goals is to maximize allocation of available insurance coverage and to minimize confusion. EDI allows the team to pre-authorize transactions and increase billing accuracy. “This is such an important tool for us because we can minimize conflicts with patients on how much they are paying out-of-pocket,” says Ramel.

Easy to use, even faster to learn

One of the reasons that the team was originally drawn to ClearDent was its intuitive interface and that has continued to be a major benefit to the clinic. “The GUI interface and the well-designed layout was a big selling feature. New staff members are able to learn ClearDent right away because it’s organized so intuitively.”

Support every step of the way

Great support ensures minimum disruption to the team and workflow. “There have been a couple times where our server hardware failed us, but because we had recent back-ups, we were up and running very quickly. And every time I’ve called support, our issues have been dealt with promptly during that call,” says Ramel.

Reliable service

Dental software plays a crucial role in practice management, so it’s important for it to work effectively and efficiently. “Everything to do with our patients and our day-to-day processes is embedded in the software so we rely on ClearDent to ensure 100% uptime,” says Ramel.

It’s also invaluable to have access to the latest and greatest software, which is something the team gets with ClearDent’s automatic updates. “I always hold my breath when we have software updates because that is when glitches will often arise but with ClearDent, this has never been a problem,” says Ramel.


Over the years, Dr. Christine Pampolina Oriel General Family Dentistry has seen a significant leap in patient numbers. When they opened in 2005, they had two dentist chairs. “Year over year, we have grown in every facet of our business. In 2007, we bought the practice beside us and expanded to five chairs,” says Ramel. The practice that they bought was still using paper charts so the team took the opportunity to add their newly acquired patient to their digital database. “We kept their old charts in storage and never really had to refer to them, and our new patients were happy to be in a modern clinic,” says Ramel.

In 2014, the clinic expanded yet again, taking over the empty office space adjacent to them and went from five chairs to eight. A growing patient base meant that an easy-to-use and efficient dental software was more important than ever to manage the clinic’s now 10,000 patients. “ClearDent has continued to support our growth without missing a beat!” said Ramel.

“ClearDent has continued to support our growth without missing a beat!”

With streamlined tasks and processes, the team was able to provide patients with better service, which increases loyalty and satisfaction, and ultimately the clinic’s bottom line. “ClearDent provides us with a powerful tool to keep our office organized and efficient,” says Ramel.